Me and that famous witch from the Wizard of Oz have something in common. No people, I am not talking about the attitude problem or the green complexion.

I am talking about the fact that we are both "MELTING!!!!! MELLLLLLTIIIIING!!!!". I was going to do a really great post today about one of our country's National Parks but something happened. As I was typing away from the comfort of my couch with the air conditioner on full blast and a fan in my face suddenly things went quiet. The power was gone! Kaput! Now let me explain something for those of you who don't keep up with the Sacramento Valley forecast. The high today for Vacaville was 109! 109! And it is smoky and humid. So having the power go out is a very, very, very bad thing. Especially during the hottest part of the day. I kept hoping it was a five minute thing. But the five minute thing quickly turned into a 15 minute thing. I looked at my thermostat. It was 86 in our house already! Luckily Paul was on his way home because I called the power company and they said it would be out for two hours. We had to get the kids cool before things got ugly. But don't you have a pool in your backyard Sharlene? Why yes we do attentive reader, thank you for remembering. Unfortunately once again it is broken and as you can see from this photo, not very enticing. To say Paul and I and I are irritated by this would be just a bit of an understatement.

Paul took the kids to the gym where they had otter pops and enjoyed the air conditioning while he worked out. Now normally I would have participated in the fitness regiment but my stomach has been queasy all day so I passed and opted for reading at the bookstore. 6:30 rolled around and still no power! We got another two hour quote from our friends at PG&E. We had to head home and make sure the pets were still alive and try to have some version of dinner. It was now 93 inside our house. What to do? Then- a moment of brilliance. The sprinkler! We will play in the sprinkler. So I stripped down the kids and got my suit on and we ran through the sprinkler in our backyard. The kids were in heaven. I was having a great time running through it with them. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

Paul opted for the shower and dinner run. By the time he came back the power had come back on. We survived 3 1/2 hours of no power. Paul said he heard about outages in other parts of town as well. We think they were the dreaded rolling blackouts that California had a few years back. Too much power consumption overloading the system. Hopefully it doesn't happen again tomorrow. I was really not a fan. It is now 91 in the house and temperature is slowly coming down. The fans are shooting at us full blast and I am thanking God for putting me in a country where this isn't a daily occurrence.
1 comment:
Glad you were all able to get cooled off by the gym/bookstore. The sprinkler was a great idea. Maybe we will try that today.
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