Sunday we went to our friend (and the children's Godfather) Matt's 30th birthday barbeque. Ben was interested in being outside with the dogs, throwing the tennis ball and getting dirty while Mari walked her way up the stairs to play with the rabbit. She loved pretending to feed him and talking to him in a gentle and nurturing voice. Ben was happy to say hi to the bunny but after about ten seconds of rough petting he had his fill of delicate furry creatures. He wanted the dogs. Then when Matt's friend brought out her professional disc golf set Ben became a child obsessed. He refused to eat until he got his fill of disc throwing, sound effects included with every toss.

Today we went to the park to try out Ben's t-ball set we bought per his therapist reccommendation ( I guess the rotation helps his core muscles get stronger)Well Ben was once again in heaven. He loved learning how to hit off the tee,using the bat as a golf club, and throwing the ball for the dogs to fetch. Mari, on the other hand, couldn't be any less interested in the whole thing. She kept running over to the playground to go down the slide or trying to find ways to irritate me by purposely doing things to see whether or not they would get her in trouble. I am certain she only found it to be a personal success her activity resulted in scolding. We did finally get her to go pose with the soccer ball but she fell over the ball when she tried to kick it. I swear. She is my daughter.

I guess my point is that with all this talk of gender identity and political correctness going around I think we need to give nature a little more credit. Sure boys like boy things partly because they are encouraged to but I think most of the reason they like typical boy things is because that is what they are preprogrammed to like! And thats okay. Its okay for there to be boy toys and girl toys. Its okay for there to be jobs men are better at than women and vice versa. Of course there will always be exceptions to rules (and I am all for those who like to be the exceptions) but I think we should lay off trying to fight so hard against nature. After all, nature always wins out in the end.
Great post Shar!
My kids are the same...Will is a total boy and Em is a total girl!
Great post! My boys are 100% boys. And although Delaney is not a twin, I can say she is 100% the opposite! Jess is my excetpion. She is a tom boy! Loves soccer and play with the best of them. Her team this year is co-ed, so should be fun!
I agree completly, and it is amazing how young that begins. My twins are only 8 months and I have been seeing it for a while already. Hannah is my first girl, and it is amazing what a difference I see! She is drawn to pretty things, jewelry, or anything else that sparkles. My sister and I have even conducted our own little experiment with the twins. We set a truck and a baby doll in the middle of the room and set the twins free. No matter what, Tyler always goes to the truck and Hannah always goes to the baby! It is really interesting. And if Ty does get ahold of his sister's doll, what does he do? Bang it against his truck to see how loud it can be!!
Isn't it crazy?!? I often observe in wonder of how nature steers Hayden in such a boyish direction and Payten into being a miss priss...I mean girly girl. Great post, Shar! And I love the pic of Mari cuddling with the bunny.
I love the differences....b/g twins are the best.
Well said and so true. Marisol may have a mean throwing arm with a ball but she just loves to cuddle her babies and play with her kitchen and is always trying to put pretty things in her hair. Flynn may love to play with a fairy wand now and then but he will also leap of the tallest buildings, get up to mischief and just be a 'boy'.
I just love that pic of Mari cuddling up to the bunny.
I loved mari's dress! What a great point of view! Good explanitation!
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