Monday, July 27, 2009

If I can do it and she can do it, you can do it too!

Today's post comes from a good friend of mine, Debbie, who lives in CT and has twin boys the same age as Mari and Ben along with a 4 year old son. Taking three toddler boys who are absolutely adorable and love to be outdoors may sound daunting but she did it anyhow and had a great time . She made me so proud when she told me about her hike with her boys that I asked her to share her story with all of you. I hope she provides you with some inspiration to get outside and have some fun...

I was inspired by Sharlene...

When my sister called me on the phone and asked if I wanted to take my boys (a four year old and twins that are 2 ½) for a hike, my first thought was no, they are too little and trying to watch them with the rocks and roots and the river…it just did not sound like a good time to me. Then in my head popped pictures of Sharlene alone hiking with Mari and Ben and I thought what the heck ,I'll throw caution to the wind and go for it.  Boy am I glad I did.  We had a great time and the kids had a fabulous time,.They loved walking along the trail and looking for the next tree that held a yellow marking showing which way we had go to stay on track.  They stopped and looked at the river to search for anything that might be moving under the water.  They examined the different types of trees, the leaves, the rocks, and the mud (which is hard for little boys to resist).  They looked up for birds and down for bugs.  Just watching them take in all the wonders of nature was inspiring and wonderful for me.  Not that they have never been in nature, we spend many a days in our backyard playing and they go to the beach, parks etc. regularly.  But, there is just something about being in the middle of the woods that even the littlest of people find such enjoyment in.  It really does give you a newly refreshed appreciation for nature when you see it through little eyes for the first time.  I highly recommend you all strap on your hiking boots and get your little ones out there, you will find it is very much worth the hike.
Thank you Sharlene for the inspiration.

Debbie 1

Debbie 2

Debbie 4

Debbie 3  


Tamara Mitchell said...

So cool! You are an inspiration Shar!

debi9kids said...

Fabulous post Debbie!

Shar, you do inspire everyone to find adventure :)

BenLand said...

great post debbie!

i gotta get my butt out there....i use to hike all the time before i got married & had kids.....shame on me!!!!